Photo Credit: Jenny Bickel Photography
Hello! I'm a wife and mother to 3 wonderful children. I’m obsessed with romance novels, bbq food, and our golden retriever!
I’m passionate about creating images that capture who you are – your life, love and relationships in an authentic and beautiful way. I'm not afraid of large family groups, or families with a million little kids. I love a challenge, and love family photography! I understand the frantic getting ready for pictures so everything is perfect, and the kids who decide at the last second that they will NOT smile! I've survived tantrums along with the spilling of who knows what on their new clothes. Not to worry.. Just remember that some of the most amazing photographs are the ones taken of a mother singing, dancing or whatever it take to get a smile from their children!
Thank you so much for your interest in my photography and for taking the time to visit my site.I look forward to meeting you, and if you should have any questions don't hesitate to email me.